Sponsor Announcement: Adobe


For our final sponsor announcement, we are pleased to announce the support of Adobe as sponsors of BarCamp London 8.

With the software covering the whole range of digital production, from Photoshop and Illustrator, the ubiquitous Flash player, up to server systems like ColdFusion, there are very few people in the technology sector that don’t use one of their offerings. Adobe also run their annual MAX conference which aims to connect with thousands of designers, developers, and business leaders.

Their latest push has been on the development of rich internet applications, through the use of the AIR runtime, Flex and Livecycle. Adobe AIR enables developers to use HTML, JavaScript, Flash, and ActionScript to build web applications that run as standalone client applications without the constraints of a browser. AIR provides a consistent and flexible development environment for the delivery of applications across devices and platforms, with support now available for for Android, BlackBerry, Tablet OS and iOS mobile operating system, and TVs is now available.

For anyone who’s interested in the Flash ecosystem of products, Flash Camp is running Barbican on Thursday 2nd December. Topics will traverse the Flash Platform, from new features available to Flash Professional CS5, to building and testing mobile apps with Flash Builder Burrito and improved workflows in Flash Catalyst Panini. Learn how to easily target multiple screens, including Google TV and AIR 2.5 for TV devices.


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    Comment by Mobile Application Development London — January 17, 2012 at 6:07 am